Murder on Michigan Avenue - Jere Myles This doesn't actually have a continuous plot. It's a compilation of several gay men's life stories and how their lives touch and intertwine and drift apart again, all influencing each other until in the end, everything leads to an innocent man laying bleeding in the foyer of a Michigan Avenue apartment building. The writing was heavy on the narrative, at times rather complicated, and the characters were numerous and, at least for me, occasionally hard to keep track of as the narrative shifted quite erratically between years and locations. Each character had a distinctive story but no voice, as this book was done in 3rd omniscient POV. Well, I can see this books intellectual values, and I'm quite sure others will love it, and if only for its clever references to historical and social situations in general and gay men's personal circumstances in different places, times and environments in particular, but... Me, I read to escape and for entertainment, and this wasn't entertainment, it was a chore to read, like something I read in English class knowing I was going to have to write an essay about it.